01 March 2010

Days 28-29: The Closing Ceremony

This weekend was for me important in that it marks my first month here in Buenos Aires. I am so happy with how my time here has passed, and I am very excited about how much time I have left. I am currently watching the Closing Ceremony of the Vancouver Olympics. I find the entire event of the Olympic Games to be a wonderful global event. It is a chance for each country to compete and be represented in such a space of community and connection.

This weekend the country of Chile experienced a horrific earthquake that started a tsunami wave across the entire Pacific Ocean. I, here in Buenos Aires, felt nothing, but to Betty and others around me the event was far more real than just a shocking news story. Betty's son-in-law is from Chile and has family living close to Conception, the center of the earthquake and most drastically affected area. We do know that they are physically healthy, but since communication by phone and internet is currently impossible, we can only hope that their house is only partially damaged, if still in existence.

Betty's daughter and family came over Saturday and the three boys spent the night. I went out with Paula and met some of her friends here in Buenos Aires. She is only a year older than I am so it was great to meet up with some close people my age. Paula also said that she has a book that she wants me to read (in Spanish, of course, what else?), but it is a book that she like to buy and give to friends, so I will have to wait and anticipate. How exciting.

Sunday was a slow day. Betty's daughter and son came back to join us for a large lunch that Betty prepared. After they left I took a siesta before working on my homework that included quite a bit of writing. Luke and I had a simple dinner of mainly fruits and veggies, while laughing at the movies and television shows that Argentina chose to present. Let's just say they chose every single terrible American production possible.

With the final notes of Michael Bublé's 'larger-than-life' song, I will sign off and head off to bed before the start of this next week.


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