29 March 2010

Days 56-57: The 11th Hour

I am sorry for not posting last night, I know I am doing a lot of double-day posting, but last night there was a power outage, so I really had no way to post anything.

I slept in on Sunday morning, knowing that the only thing that I wanted to do was go to a concert in the evening in the Parque Centenario. At about 4.30p I headed off to the park to pick up tickets that were free, but required for entry. I wanted to get 5 tickets, one for me, Betty, Roberto and also for Paula and Flor, but the lady handing out tickets would only give 2 per person in the line. And they said that there would be no entrance without a ticket. So, I told Betty about the situation, and she and Roberto very nicely opted not to go. We still needed one more ticket, though. Flor arranged that we would all meet at the corner by the subway station near my house (since the park is super close to my house) and that we would all walk together. Paula, however, did not show. We called her mobile and home phones repeatedly, growing more and more confused and worried. Flor and I had both talked with her earlier in the day, but when there was only 10 minutes before the start of the concert, we left the corner. The concert was Beethoven's 9th 'en Re Menor' which is the the Spanish way of saying 'D Minor.' If you are confused, think Sound of Music. The music was very nice, with a full orchestra and chorus including four soloists. The only issue was that since the concert was in open air, they used microphones. The speakers they used to project the sound were not quite enough to handle the volume and output from everyone singing/playing simultaneously, and there was a bit of white noise on top of the music. After a bit, it became a little less apparent, and it was fantastic for a free event.

Afterwards, Flor and I went out for pizza at a little pizzaria that is across the street from my house, and for ice cream at Las Malvinas. Then Flor had to leave since she lives quite far away and has to take the subway and a train to get home.

We found out while we were eating that Paula had fallen deeply asleep. What more can I say?

Today was my last full day of classes. That was sad, but I am excited for what is coming my way shortly. I have a picture of my one-day companion, Christopher from Berkeley, California with a face that was supposed to be 'happy' but I need to take a 'sad' photo of myself tomorrow to complete the series. Christopher is working here for 6 or 7 months as a Bikram yoga instructor. He was very friendly.


Me and Marta

With Germán, with whom I have my final class tomorrow afternoon, I started Libro 6! What a surprise, but I will be able to look it over more on my own.

There are only 2 more days until my trip to Mendoza. I am getting very excited. I will finish my laundry tomorrow and hopefully get a haircut so that I do not have to think about that for a while. I am just waiting for 'the crisis' to occur, since there always is one in some form or another, hopefully it is nothing major. A little crisis. However contradictory that sounds.

I get to sleep in tomorrow, although I think I will get up relatively early so I can maybe go for a walk or something.


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