16 March 2010

Day 45: The Sleepy Day

For some unknown reason, I was excessively tired today. I feel like I slept all weekend, but this morning I had a hard time getting out of bed (usually it is not a problem for me) and up until lunch the classes were super difficult. When you make the teacher yawn, you know you are looking tired.

I am working on three separate topics of the Subjunctive mood right now, so I feel like each class is quite different. This has benefits when I am working by myself in that I do not go crazy looking over the same thing for the whole day.

Tomorrow is a large celebration in the evening for Saint Patrick's Day. There is a large Irish population here, and right next to the school there is a pedestrian area that is supposed to be the place to be. I will be wearing my green shirt tomorrow.

I found out that there is only 1 student expected to arrive next week, so I can only hope that they are my level. The odds are against me. A funny Argentinean custom that I have recently learned is that for good luck, women touch their left breast. It is important to note that it is not considered good luck for anyone else to go around touching left breasts.

Well, I received word that the wire transfer went through on the United States side without problems so tomorrow I will go directly from the school to pay for the rest of the money I owe for Mendoza. I am sure that there will be no problems getting the money from Western Union, all the same I wish the left-breast superstition applied to men.

Betty made a fish pizza tonight that had filets of fish in an egg crust with tomato, cheese, and onion. I am slowly adjusting to a later mealtime, I ate at about 8.30p, which is still on the 'early' side for the locals, but is significantly later than the 6.30p I am used to.

Before eating I had a little siesta. Normally, I avoid sleeping midday because I find it hard to restart after only a little while, but I needed some shut-eye this afternoon. In fact, everyone at school was pretty sleepy. Marta was sleepy, Paula could not wait to get home and take a nap and Marcelo stated without any prompting that he felt like he had run a marathon yesterday. Something was up.

Luke had is first day of university classes today, and everything seemed to go fine. He had one credited class along with a Spanish class earlier in the day. Of course his classes are in the evenings so that each morning when I am dragging myself to the shower I can see his closed door, a door that is still firmly closed when I leave the house and join the Argentinean rat race.

Oh, tomorrow there is a subway strike scheduled for 11.30 (providing my Spanish skills properly translated the flier in the subway train) so I am hoping that the subway will be functioning tomorrow morning before school. I might head out earlier than normal. I always have the bus as a 'plan B' but the bus is a magnate for theives and is (if at all possible) more congested than the subway. Betty says that the whole world uses the bus system, which leaves me wondering who on earth are the gazillion people using the subway?

Off to bed at 11.00p local, my blog changed time zones even though Argentina did not this year (for the first time; it was deemed an unnecessary inconvenience and an ineffective benefit).


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