19 March 2010

Day 48: The Full House

Friday. Another week of classes completed. It is satisfying to think back on how much this trip has changed me. I think that it is a little hard for me to really know how much I have learned here, I was thinking about the accent of the Spanish here and how I am completely used to the 'shhh' sound. Now the pronunciation of ella as 'eh-ya' is comical and foreign.

School was good today. I am doing a lot of conversation now just continually refining my errors verbally, and then writing for homework to cover that area. I am also doing a lot of reading aloud which is great for my pronunciation as well as vocabulary. Each class definitely has a different feel, due in part to the teacher and also the time of day.

Paula was super tired today (join the club, right) because she has been scared at night the last two evenings. Two nights ago she woke up to the sensation that someone was roughly kicking the bed, and she assumed it was Andrés but he was fast asleep. So, last night she found it hard to sleep, her nerves being hypersensitive. This is the second or third spooky experience that Paula and Andrés have had in their short time in the new apartment.

I did not go to the concert tonight in the park, there was an orchestra playing because I was taking a siesta and it had started by the time I was ready to leave the house. But as it turns out, Betty and one of her grandchildren could not get in either because it was so full of people. Apparently we were not the only ones informed about the music.

There is another body in our little apartment. A boy called Rafael arrived last night from his home in the province of Tucumán. I did not include him in yesterday's blog because I only met him briefly before we all went to bed and I had promptly forgotten his name. He is here to renew his passport and is taking the time to enjoy the city and beach at the same time. He is finishing up his schooling, about to head out into the working world and has been very friendly. He is quite a tall, thin guy but he was really sweet with Betty's grandson, who is also spending the night tonight and who barely is as tall as Rafael's hips. Rafael is sleeping on the couch in the living room, how he fits I have no idea since the couch is quite small. He has a girlfriend who is American and lives in California and so he is renewing his passport so he can visit her in Sacramento. It is a grueling process to apply for a visa to the United States, he told me briefly about some of the monetary and work restrictions and requirements, none of which I needed for my (under 90 day) visit here. I do not know how long he plans on staying - here at Betty's house or in the U.S. later on.

I have been looking into events in Buenos Aires, one is a sort of interactive show that has similarities to Cirque du Soleil but where the audience is standing and the event takes place for part of the time directly above. The idea certainly sounds interesting, so I need to look further into acquiring tickets. Also Rafael is a Tango dancer so he wants me to join him when he goes out at some point. Should be an excellent opportunity to tease the foreigner (I do not know how to dance Tango at all. Yet).

Luke is at a friend's house participating in March Madness. What a dedicated fan.

In Argentinean fútbol, Estudiantes (the team that Germán supports) is playing Atlético Tucumán (who Rafael naturally supports) right now so I am conflicted as to who I want to see win. I suppose I will be happy and sad regardless of the outcome.


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