08 March 2010

Days 35-36: The Weekend of Contrast

Saturday I went out with Flor and Paula to a stand-up comedy performance in Palermo. It was an expensive event, titled "Ellos," and our meager meal cost us 100 pesos (only USD26, but it was considerably more than I have been paying everywhere else), but the atmosphere was great. I have never actually gone to a stand-up night in the US, but I have seen some on television, and it was quite similar last night. We had a great table up on the 1º floor, where we could see and hear everything perfectly. The performance featured two people, a woman and then a man, who both were very funny, but very relatable. They had Paula and Flor shrieking with laughter. The woman, who was first, talked a little more slowly and so I got most of her jokes, whereas the man I really only understood the situations, not the actual jokes.... Except for the more 'adult' humor, which essentially transcends language. 

Afterwards we got to meet the woman downstairs, which was nice, she was extremely short (without her shoes I am not sure if she made 5'0"), but she had gone to the same university as Flor, and was very bright and with a great, social personality. Afterwards we went to Godoy which is a restaurant/bar in which you can sometimes spot famous people (last night Paula saw a woman from a television show she watched as a kid). The three of us had a great time fooling two Argentinean guys that we were from England and barely understood Spanish. We pulled it off flawlessly, I must say, and had a great laugh afterwards. 
I slept in quite late today, Sunday, and had planned with Paula that I would call her to arrange where we would meet up to go down to Boca and then later in the evening go to Puerto Madero where there was a light show. As you have probably surmised from my manner of phrasing everything, our plan did not go as anticipated. Betty had taken my borrowed phone back because of some problems, that are not relevant, but had written down the important numbers for me. Now either she or I wrote Paula's number incorrectly and so for the entire afternoon I kept calling a phone that was off. Paula did not have my home phone number, nor does she have a computer, so I had no way of contacting her. I sent a message via the website Facebook to Flor asking her to give my home number to Paula, and later this evening Flor got the message, passed it along, and I was finally able to find out where everything had gone wrong. It was a very frustrating day. 

To just dash a little salt into my wounds, the Oscars (an event I do not adore, but enjoy the awards section) was dubbed, not subtitled in Spanish. That would not have been too bad, except that the sound mixing was bad so you could hear too much of the English at the same time, and the translators were not very good. The only other channel covering the event was E! who only showed the red carpet, a topic I could not really care less about. I mean really, it is just the moment between the car and the main event. Oh well. 

Paula and I are planning on going to the light show tomorrow night, which is the final night of the event, and we'll have to re-plan our trip to the district of Boca.
In other news, I am looking into the idea of going down to Mendoza for the Easter weekend, I will post more as things are clarified. 

Al fin, for the food entry (since I did not get a photo of the amazing dulce de leche crepe I had at "Ellos") I will mention that Betty baked a white cake with a hint of orange today. It is very light and that is only a problem because I feel I could eat the entire thing at once. 

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