30 March 2010

Day 58: The Last Class

Today I slept in a little bit since I did not have my group classes this morning. I got my laundry from the cleaners and started packing before heading to school for class at 2.00p.

It was very strange to realize that I will not be spending a good 50% of my waking hours in the school. I had a good class. At the end Germán gave me a little gift from him and Marta: a graphic novel called El Eternauta and it is fairly substantial. It has a wonderful dedication on the inside, and I plan to take it to read (or start reading) on the way to Mendoza tomorrow.

Photo credits go to Paula

Two silly children got ahold of my camera

I realized after he had left the school that I did not get a photo of me and Germán together, so I will have to return to the school and take one during my time at the hospital. Both Germán and Marta were incredibly kind during my time at the school, I feel very lucky to have had them as my teachers.

I am essentially all packed, just need to wait until tomorrow when I can zip everything up. My bus leaves at  7.00p "en punto" so I think I can assume they will actually leave on time. I just heard a bit yesterday, and some more today, that the main exit bridge from Buenos Aires is closed, so we might have to make a lengthy detour tomorrow evening. Something around the 6 hours out-of-the-way mark. Hopefully it will not be that extreme.

Unfortunately, I do not think that I will be able to post blogs during my time in Mendoza. I am not expecting to have internet connection, and I will not be bringing my laptop. I will, of course, have my camera and I will be sure to report on every important detail (and probably more than a few unimportant details too) upon my return. I am scheduled to get back into the capital at about 06.30 Monday morning.

So, I will wish everyone a Happy Easter now, and you all can just read this line again come Sunday.

There is not much more to say, I got a haircut today so I will not have to think about that issue for a while, Luke went with me, and it is slowly getting cooler, although right now it feels pretty warm. I am off to Paula's once again for a farewell meal because she is leaving tomorrow as well to go back to her home town. Poor Andrés will be all alone for a little bit. He'll appreciate the quiet.

Until Monday,


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