21 February 2010

Day 22: The Terrible Cesar Salad

Today I went to the River stadium again with Andi. We met again at 5.30p by the Monument Tower and took the bus to the stadium. When we got there we were really surprised by how little people were milling around the base. When we had gone last time there had been people everywhere. We approached the ticket stands and saw that they were closed. Apparently the game had started about an hour before we got there. We had been going off the time posted at our school on the bulletin board (or what we thought it said, now we're not so sure) which was 19.10 same as last time. Well, we could not get in. We asked around, but apparently there's no late entry and there were police and other security personnel at each entrance/exit.

So a little disappointed we walked along the main street in search of a restaurant. If you can not watch soccer, you might as well eat, right? The only problem was that since it was about 6.30p not many restaurants were open; it was far too early. We passed many that were completely shut, and a few that were just setting up the tables. Finally we found a "cafĂ©" which was really more of a pub that was serving some food. They had a good-sized menu, but they were not serving anything but sandwiches and salads. So, we got hamburgers and split a salad. We at the burgers first, and I got a fruit shake (strawberry and nectarine). When we started on the cesar salad we both laughed at how terrible it was. Now, it is quite difficult to 'burn' a salad, but this had soggy bread, cold hunks of poor quality chicken, and a pretty sad dressing. The lettuce was okay, but there was not much of it.

Andi is starting his working experience this next week, working in a gym first in reception and then back in the marketing department. He is studying Economics in university. He is going to check on the membership prices for me, because I thought having a friend working at a gym would be excellent motivation to go regularly. And although I have not had ice cream since I last posted about it, I really should exercise more frequently.

The only news left to tell is that I will be meeting a bunch of new people this week. My group class will be filled with new people (assuming new people come...) and a boy is coming to live in Judy's room here in Betty's house. From what Betty tells me he is going to school in Minnesota and is called Luke Joseph. He is part of a large group of people and will either arrive on a flight at 09.00 or 11.00 tomorrow. He is not going to the same school as me, but it will be neat to meet a new person.

Here is a video that I took during the hard rains. I had not been able to upload it until now because the internet has been so sketchy and it is about 50 seconds. It is taken from outside the window of the apartment.



1 comment:

  1. That footage is absolutely amazing--watching the guy walk through the water and the shopkeepers holding something to keep the water out. Wow.
