13 February 2010

Day 14: The Win

Today was very low-key. I slept quite late, probably because my body was protesting the previous night's strain, and so I had breakfast and lunch within about an hour of each other. For lunch, Betty cooked up some pasta with pesto sauce that was wonderful.

I watched some of the Olympic games on the TV Público because they were covering it for a couple of hours, but then (probably wisely) they changed to local fútbol to please the majority of the audience. So, I only saw a little bit of the distance speed skating, quite a lot of the cross-country skiing with the two gun/target stations to complicate things, and then just a bit of the ski ramp jumping. I think that I am more familiar with the summer sports (summer for the Northern Hemisphere), than these in Vancouver. But they were still exciting to watch.

My major accomplishment of the day will most likely be lost on all of my readers who are not immediate family, but I will do my best to explain. All last summer as well as this past winter break, I have been trying and trying to win a simple game of Solitaire. I felt like I was forever doomed to lose; but this afternoon, I decided to just play a round to pass the time - and I won first try! I cannot believe it. So, now it is official: Dylan can win Solitaire. Just only in Argentina. Or every 19 years...

This evening a close friend of Betty's called Roberto came over along with the eldest of Betty's grandchildren (she has 3, Manuel, and two younger twins). So when Judy came back from her day trip to Tigre (a town to the north of us that hugs the coast and I have been told I absolutely must see at some point), we all walked to the ice cream parlor with which I am now quite familiar. I tried some new flavors, a chocolate that had nuts and fruit, and a lemon that had strawberries (I think) and chocolate flakes. Very yummy. I tried some of Betty's, though, and I will have to get her's next time I go, it was chocolate and orange. Afterwards, we walked down the block to an Italian restaurant where we (they) had coffee, Manuel had a little toasted sandwich, and I cleaned up the leftover pound cake slices that came with the coffees.

Now, Roberto, Betty and Manuel are watching the film that we saw last night about the creation of a Tango orchestra in Buenos Aires. It was very nice, with of course lovely music, but I do not feel the urge to watch it again, tonight. Judy is packing her things, because she is taking off on the rest of her Argentinean journey. She has planned out quite a nice trip that will take her down south.

Well, I shall try and get to sleep early so I can see Judy off in the morning. It's been great going to classes with her each morning. Even though we were in different groups, it will feel very different on Monday morning.

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