17 May 2010

Day 102: The Daytrip to San Pedro

This morning I woke up to the sunlight shining into my room, and the chorus of dogs that continued to bark their way through the night.

This trip has certainly covered a wide span between ‘city’ and ‘country’ life. Not knowing anything about this house I made the assumption that it would be furnished, but I was wrong. Honestly, I am grateful to have electricity, even if the light in my room turns ‘on’ and ‘off’ by screwing in and out the bulb. The solar shower mentioned yesterday is in fact a lengthy black hose that is lying on the corrugated metal roofing; I had hot water for about a minute and a half in my shower this afternoon.

I ate two slices of bread for breakfast and went to the school at 09.00. There, Josh and I talked and decided that my project was to paint the side of their new compost toilet by the current kindergarten building. I sat in the garden for a while, sketching out ideas on paper. After I had a few, I took them to Josh, and he and I agreed on one. He still wanted to present it to the rest of the teachers and staff after school today, but we decided I might as well buy paint today, so that I can start tomorrow. A friend of Josh’s donated a gallon of white paint, so I took the boat/ferry across the lake to San Pedro to buy some pigment stains.

I found the hardware store that Josh had described to me in the slightly more urbanized (but still quite little) town of San Pedro. There I bought four bags of stain: red, yellow, blue and green. I figure I can do all the mixing I need and that those colors will cover whatever design. I wanted to take the opportunity to withdraw more money since I was there anyway, so I walked up two blocks to the bank.

After getting my money, I almost left back for San Marcos when I remembered that I needed to buy a brush and or some sponges. Josh had a nice brush at the school, but I did not want to ruin it by painting on the cement. I dashed back up hill to the store, but it had closed for lunch. Apparently that is something that happens here. I asked around with various other storeowners, but no one else seemed to know of a brush or sponge-selling store nearby.

So I decided to have lunch myself. I went down towards the dock and seated myself in a restaurant that had shade and a view of the water. Double plus. I ordered a bottle of water, a fruit shake, and chicken milanesa. I was quite thirsty and the food was good. I took my sweet time eating, trying to waste the hour-plus that I had to wait on the store.

When I finished, I walked up again, purchased a brush, but they had no sponges. I wanted a sponge to use to cover areas quickly, but with a slightly more ‘Waldorf’ style. I want the wall to look as appropriately Steiner-esque as possible.

View from San Pedro of the lake

When I got the boat back it was quite a bit later, the boats leave every half-hour. I got back to the school around 3.00ish and left the paints, receipt and change in the office since Josh was in the faculty meeting. The kitchen at the school had saved me some lunch, but since I had already eaten I took the pizza and salad back home with me.

At home, I showered, did some vital laundry in the sink, and ate my second lunch. I then sat up on the scaffold-like balcony for a bit, drying off along with my socks. I have made hundreds of friends here already. Most of them are insects.

It is now 5.00 and I am going to make the descent to see if I can post these last two days in the internet cafe almost on the beach. I might also grab something to eat, because although I am not terribly hungry now, I do not want to make the trip again today.


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