22 April 2010

Day 81: The Sleepy Dog

Today was quite excellent. Everything seemed to go well today, and the weather was gorgeous: just a little cool with the breeze, but sunny. I had two classes this morning, both on strokes. They were taught by Dr. Vega and Dra. Santoro and were enjoyable. Of course the topic is not exactly light or overly happy, but I enjoyed the lessons. It was probably the hardest of the days for me, though, comprehension-wise. There was a lot of new vocabulary and even more abbreviations that I need to translate.

On the way home, I shared the subway ride with two other students who I had not talked too much with previously, but who were really very nice. They were heading to the Facultad (I felt happy knowing the place where they were heading) for another class later in the afternoon. When we entered the subway it was empty since that station is the end (and beginning) of the line, but there was this street dog just sprawled on one of the seats. It was the funniest/cutest thing. As more and more people poured into the train, with all the horns going off and everything, the dog was completely peaceful and unperturbed. It was still lying there in essentially the same position when I got off the subway, almost on the other end of the line.

I took the subway into the Recoleta area where I met up with Martin and Marcelo for lunch. They were heading off to Córdoba for the weekend, but we decided to meet up before the left today. We split two giant milanesas, which are thinly cut pieces of meat in a egg and bread crumb batter, with a fried egg on top and some french fries. Very Argentinean. Very filling. Very large portions. We hung out for a while more in Marcelo's hardware/electronics store before they left for the airport.

I returned home and rested for the afternoon. For dinner, Betty, Luke and I had some pasta with pesto sauce that tasted super good. Simple but delicious. We had a really nice conversation (of course it was in Spanish, never doubt my abilities). After clearing up, Luke went out to have some coffee with friends. Betty mentioned the idea of ice cream, and even though it was quite cold outside, I liked the sound of the idea. So, I jumped downstairs and bought a couple of little ice creams in cups. We had a great time talking over the desserts, on a huge range of topics. It was very comfortable, family-like. It will be weird not to be living with Betty when I leave.

There is a huge book fair in Buenos Aires that I really want to check out this weekend, as well as two parties with the group of people from the trip to Mendoza, so I will have to do some planning to figure what (and when) I can do everything.

Now, however, I am going to imitate that dog from the subway and go right to sleep. I will add a photo of the pooch tomorrow when the connection is stronger.


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