15 March 2010

Days 41-43: The Sick(ish) Weekend

Fairwell to Oliver.

Friday night was Andi's birthday party, hosted at Kai's apartment. From school I knew Flor, Paula, Andi, Kai, and Oliver, and there was a pretty much 60-40 split between Argentineans and German-speaking people. I was the only native English speaker. Kai has a really nice apartment, quite sparsely furnished, but quite large and with a great view of a park. A group of us went out to a boliche a club that had reggaeton music. Had a great time dancing the night away. I got home, however, rather late. In fact I should say early. I only slept for a bit though because I had promised my Grandma that I would be able to talk Saturday morning. We had been trying to arrange a telephone call for a while and it had not worked out yet, so I could not just sleep through morning.

Paula and I with the Birthday Boy in the elevator

After a really nice talk with my Grandma, the day was pretty inactive. I felt borderline sick, and I really did not want it to develop any more than the dry throat and sniffles that I had. So I decided not to go to the ballet in the park (a different performance than the one I had seen before) and just let my body focus on convalescence. Still somehow, I slept super late on Sunday. Maybe it was because I did not have my alarm set and I felt no obligation to get up and do anything, but I slept until close to 1.00p. Rather shocked, I got up and had some homemade orange juice and toast. After some more chilling time because I had a pretty low energy level I had some honey and apple tea, crackers and jam before going to Paula and Andrés' apartment. Paula had two friends visiting from her province of Entre Rios, which is to the north-east of the city of Buenos Aires. We, or they since I was not hungry enough to have more than a nibble or two, had some cheese and little of ham and sausage with red wine. Yes, Mother, I had water to maintain my hydration. 

The ever-changing colors

We had thought about going out but Paula is feeling a little sick too, she swears that it is only allergies but I know better, and Andrés wanted to sleep. After Camilia and Franchesco, the friends from Entre Rios, another friend of Paula's from when she first moved to Buenos Aires called Juan Pablo came over. He was really nice, very subdued and calm but good personality. The three of us went to a kiosk to buy ice cream, even though it was 15ºC/60ºF which to them is essentially snowing. We tried to go to a restaurant, but almost everything was closed and we had very little money. I took a bus back to Juan Pablo's house since the taxi fare from there is cheaper and I only had 14 pesos on me. 

Juan Pablo and Paula

We had to take some of these photos

The replacement card for my bank accounts is supposed to be at school tomorrow and I really hope it is because I need to take out some more money and pay back Betty what I borrowed. Also, I need to pay for the rest of the trip to Mendoza, I only paid the deposit before. 

This week in school there are only going to be 6 students. In the entire school. Apparently this time of year is very slow, so needless to say I have 6 hours of private lessons tomorrow. Anyone want to come and learn Spanish?


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