08 March 2010

Day 37: The Day of the Woman

Well, you all will never guess who showed up this morning at about 5 minutes before classes started: Dirk! So, I had a companion for today, but as it turns out he is leaving 'officially' for country-wide travels... I still do not know exactly what happened last week. But, most importantly, I managed to get a 'sad' photo of him; so I did not fail you guys after all.

Marta was not there for the first lesson, so we had María Paula instead. Classes were pretty much normal, Marcelo's was fine, nothing especially fantastic or terrible. For lunch I went to a new little deli where I bought some sandwiches that were good, not super... I think I like the empanadas better, and they cost less.

With Germán, we looked into another tense and more importantly, he said that he owned the DVD of 'Los secretos de sus ojos,' which is the Argentinean film that won the Foreign Film Oscar last night. It is a very well known movie here, and most everyone I have talked to has really enjoyed it, so I am looking forward to viewing it very much.

On the subway on the way home today, I saw the sweetest little thing: for those of you who are not aware of the manner of salutations in Argentina, it is very common to give a kiss on the right cheek of the person you are greeting, more commonly used with women, but not exclusively. Well, this little moment showed that the cultural tradition was engrained from a very young age. A little girl was talking to (I assume her father) on a cell phone in the seat next to me, and when she said goodbye to the other person, she kissed the screen of the phone.

Well, after our communication nightmare yesterday, Paula and I had talked about going down to Puerto Madero regardless just to walk around, but there was a big complication with one of the students at the school and Paula did not get home until much later than expected, so we decided not to go out.

That is a little too bad since there was a music show, that we did not know about, right by the iconic Puente de la Mujer (a bridge named 'The Bridge of the Woman') because today was the national Day of the Woman. Similar to the idea of Fathers' and Mothers' Day in the United States, this was a day to recognize and appreciate the women. Betty thinks it is a ridiculous holiday. (There is no Day for the Man.) But all the same there was a concert by the water with a bunch of performers of which I saw a little bit on the ol' telly. Oh well.

I had the pleasure of going to a Locutorio today, which despite similarities with the Spanish word loco was not a psychiatric facility but instead an internet cafe. I had to scan a signed document for my taxes this year, yes the IRS was kind enough to let me give my taxes despite my current location, and there was no scanner at home or at the school. Nothing particularly interesting happened there, I paid under 4 pesos for the scan and emailing of the document, I just wanted to bring up the story because of the name of the store.

Well, a factoid I learned today at school: the last (and only other) time that Argentina won an Oscar, the next World Cup was also successfully won... so I am betting my life insurance that Argentina is going to whoop some booty this summer in South Africa. If I am correct, you heard it here first, if I am wrong, I'll come back and delete this little paragraph and then claim that you all are delusional.


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