31 January 2010

Day 1: The Arrival

I figure that my approach to this blog will be in a journal format; hopefully, it won't be too long-winded.

Well, I arrived this morning in Buenos Aires, Argentina after my 15 hours total of flight time. First thing I was greeted by Argentinean hospitality by being charged USD$130 as an entrance fee. I felt very appreciated. I was led to my taxi by a woman holding my name (a first for me) that drove me to my Argentinean home.

I am living on Rio de Janeiro on the 5th floor of an apartment complex. I've included this photo of my little room which is approximately 7 by 14 feet. My "mom" is called Betty, and she has been very friendly, we've conversed quite well in Spanglish. After unpacking, I was treated to a homemade lunch of egg and cheese empanadas with a salad. Betty loves to cook, and I am OK with that (especially after the, again, homemade, flan for dessert....). Apparently it's a hereditary, because her son is currently a chef in Barcelona.

A Canadian woman is also living in the apartment for this week. She's going to the same school as me before going off to tour other areas in Argentina. She and I just got back from a little walk through the neighborhood. There is a great circular park that acts as a large roundabout that we strolled around. There were lots of people with animals, playing "fĂștbol" and there were the beginnings of what looked like a night market (of practical and toy items, not much for us tourists). I noticed a very large population of feral cats around the buildings as well as all throughout the park. We got pleasantly lost on the way back since the roads are only sort of in a grid and the street names change sporadically.

I think that will do for my first South American entry. I have a wireless connection here, so providing my days are narrative-worthy, I can post nightly. So, it's time for a little "Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal" and then the bed for an early start tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Can you also take some photos of the streets? ie the park, the markets...Loved the photo of the three of you (in your next blog). Betty looks so friendly!
