11 April 2010

Day 70: The Chill Sunday

A store with too funny a name to not be recognized

Quite the opposite from yesterday, today's events were very quiet. I slept in quite late, despite having done nothing the night before. As is my custom for the majority of my excursions, I went to Paula's house in the early afternoon and met up with a new friend of hers, Pitu (a nickname, I cannot remember his full name).

Together we all went to the Plaza Francia again and sat on the grass listening to live music, drinking mate, and munching little cookies with jam centers. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. Afterwards we went inside the Cultural Center that is located right on one side of the park, the very same complex where I visited the childrens' science museum. We went to a different part, though, and we saw some amazing photography (among other art). There was an exhibit of an artist with images from the shanti towns, very poor areas in the city of Buenos Aires, as well as a little film. There was another exhibit that was a small room covered on all the walls and the ceiling with black and white drawings. They were all slightly contorted, of all sizes and topics. Very cool.

Pitu and Paula


After leaving the art exhibits, we walked back to Pitu's house, and after dropping by a grocery store, cooked up some pasta and cream sauce for dinner. He had a great apartment, full of artwork and very homey. I took some photos from his balcony that stretched the full length of the apartment. Because of the darkness they are long-exposure shots and I like the lights.

Paula on the balcony

Nothing more really happened today. I am going right to bed now, actually I only need to close my eyes since I am writing this (as is my habit) from my bed. I have to get up rahther early tomorrow morning for 08.15 classes at the hospital. I bought some munchies for the break between classes since I know that I will get hungry. I may not be a drinker or smoker, and thereby save on those costs, but being continually hungry does have a hefty price on the wallet.

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