02 February 2010

Day 3: The Rain

From the moment I woke up this morning the humidity level was noticeably higher. While Judith and I hurried to classes (after spending too much time at another great breakfast), it started sprinkling. Yes, it was nice to get some rain, and Betty was relieved since it had been a while, but for me the humidity level versus the small drop in temperature was not quite a fair trade.

Classes were a little harder for me today. I've forgotten some of the smaller (yet important) aspects of pronoun grammar, but I feel like I am going to be (re)learning everything and since I can use it during everyday life, it will stick better. I have now had 4 different teachers at the school, between my group and private lessons, and I have liked each of them. Except for one, they all are very, very enthusiastic, outspoken, and keep up a great conversation throughout the lesson. They are all keen to pass on information about Buenos Aires, Argentina, or the history of their country, political turmoil.

For lunch, I went to the same deli/bakery where today I had, more appropriately than yesterday, four empanadas: chicken, spicy chicken (2 of them), and a ham and cheese. The spicy chicken was fantastic. On the subject of food, Betty decided to make me a steak dinner of a special cut with some rice and salad. I feel like I am able to write more about the food than the city....I need to change that. Betty was happy to hear that I liked spicy foods, because she's used to cooking only bland foods for us foreigners.

After school today, I took a third road from the school to the subway, stopping by a church that was on the street. It was very nice: smooth white, tall walls with a more ornately decorated wall behind the alter. Only one person was inside, and it was starkly quiet compared to the very noisy street about 20 yards away.

I apologize for not posting a picture of the school, it has a very amusing absence of an outdoor sign, but, I hope to take one tomorrow.

I am now sitting in the living room of the apartment, watching some fútbol. There is a national tournament going on currently, so I am able to get a small taste of the Argentinean fútbol fever. I asked about going to one nearby, but Betty said she would need ask a friend of hers, because going by myself would be dangerous.



  1. I got hungry reading your blog! Yum, yum. Do you have much homework?

  2. I don't have a lot consistently (although my source pool is still only a few days), but nothing that takes more than 45 minutes, so far...
